Lifeline of Ohio recognizes the following organizations and individuals for their support in making the Lifeline of Ohio Donor Memorial possible.
Contributor Level: $25,000
Contributor Level: $20,000
Contributor Level: $15,000
Lifeline of Ohio 2016 Staff
Contributor Level: $5,000 – $10,000
- In Memory of Tony Siciliano
- Kent Holloway
- In Loving Memory of Brett Richard Candela – The Candela Family
- Lifeline of Ohio 2016 Governing Board of Directors
- Lions Eye Bank of West Central Ohio
LifeNet Health
Contributor Level: $1,001 – $4,999
- In Loving Memory of Jack Kubu
- In Memory of Hunter Logan Ross
- In Memory of Noah Alexander Maloney
- In Memory of Billy Frederick
- In Memory of Shelby Cooper
- Forever in our Hearts – Lindsay Jones
- St. Rita’s Medical Center
- In Memory of Robert Gates, Jr.
- In Honor of Avrie Nelms
- In Memory of Adam Wasielewski – Adam’s Army
Contributor Level: $1,000
- In Honor of Phil Benua
- Dorrie Dils
- In Memory of Brett H. Weinstein
- Chuck and Kathy Freiburger
- Sue Jablonski
- BMI Credit Union
- Chamberlain College of Nursing
- Michelle McKissick
- The MOD Squad
- Timothy and Marliee Nagy
- Todd E. Pesavento, MD
- Raymond and Marilyn Pongonis
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Riverside Nephrology
- In Memory of Dean Poole II
- Anne Longo Memorial Fund
- TransChart LLC
- In Memory of Kirk Walker
- Turtle Creek Tavern
- The Davey Tree Expert Co.
Contributor Level: $500 – $999
- Best Courier, Inc.
- Lane Aviation
- PPA Graphics, Inc.
- Ultrafit-USA, Inc.
- Dr. Diana Greene-Chandos & Dr. Michel Torbey
- Ronni Richards
- Mark Studer
- Arliss Warthman
- Jim & Debbie Wirth
- Kimberly Willis
- Ryan, Marie & Sylvia Zinn
Contributor Level: $250 – $499
- Significance, LLC
- Richard K. & Nancie M. Bechtel
- Gene & Sandy Warman
Contributor Level: $100 – $249
- Tom & Kathy Harrington – Harrington Asset Management
- Bev & Steve Hindman
- Nina Miller
- James Thomas
- Nancy Weakly
Contributor Level: up to $99
- Carol Black
- Mark & Marcia Burleson
- Linda Blackwell
- Sharon Cutright
- Leslie Lanning
- Nina Miller
- Linda Mt.Joy
- Michael Porteus
- Judy Rinehart
- Judy Rodriguez
- Barbara Sills
- Ted Staton
- Jody Woods